
Showing posts from August, 2021

3 min. video. Climate Change, Greenland and Polar Ice Caps Melting

Sea level rise might take a while, but we already feel the effect of changing weather patterns resulting in forest fires etc. The domino effects are in full motion. Greenland ice sheets are melting faster than what scientists predicted. And it's gonna get much worse with rising temperatures... Do you have any idea about how much ice is lost to the oceans every year...?

4 min. video. How Greenland’s arctic landscape is at the heart of the climate crisis l GMA

ABC News’ James Longman reports from Greenland where the ice sheet is melting at a worrisome pace, which could have devastating effects on global sea levels. Never in the last 4 decades did I think it would rain in Wyo(6,600ft), in January. My thoughts changed when I saw it happen 5-6 yrs ago. I wonder how long we have until things really go to hell? Living in Greenland - And have lived in Kangerlussuaq, i can tell that the russel glacier is on retreat. Sad sight, on such a beautifull place.

10 min. video. Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica in danger of rapid collapse, subject of international research

Markham interviews Dr. Julia Wellner, associate professor, College of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Houston, about the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration. 1,340 views from Aug 25, 2021 to September 2021 But a movie trailer video gets millions of views. Like Greta said, what a strange world we live in.

5 min. Earth Itself Warming 'Doomsday Glacier' on Top of Climate Change, Causing Massive Melting

Climate change isn’t the only factor melting the Thwaites Glacier, according to a new study from the Earth Communications and Environment journal. Rather, the Earth itself may also be warming the massive block of Antarctic ice, which is colloquially known as the "Doomsday Glacier." According to the study, the crust beneath west Antarctica is between 10 to 15 miles or 17 to 25 kilometers thick compared with around 25 miles or 40 kilometers in the East and this means that substantially more heat from below can access the West than can access the East. The researchers found that a geothermal heat flow of up to 150 milliwatts per square meter can occur beneath Thwaites Glacier, according to the study’s lead author.

8 Snow turns to rain for the first time in warming Greenland

For the first time in recorded history, scientists observed rainfall at the tallest summit of the Greenland ice sheet, alarming the climate community worldwide. ThePrint’s Sandhya Ramesh explains what caused this rain and its significance. Greenland melted ice can move Gulfstream southward, and UK and Scandinavia will have harsh winters

4 min. video. How Melting Arctic Ice Affects the Earth

In June 2021, temperatures in the Pacific Northwest reached a high of 115°F and resulted in the deaths of nearly 200 people. Heatwaves are a natural phenomenon, but concurrent conditions can exacerbate their impacts. As Arctic sea ice continues to melt in a warming world, there is a ripple effect on the global climate. This woman is an icon. She's been saying this for so long. It's sad that it has taken us so long to listen There's no chance "elected" officials can move quick enough and as drastic as is needed. This world is a huge joke. Innocent people are victimized for the gain of others. The true criminals will never face justice in this life.

3 min. video. Greenland Suffers Historic Downpour & Excessive Ice Cap Melting

Anticyclone over Greenland still wreaking havoc on ice caps. Some scientists believe we could be close to the point of no return, as extreme rain on the highest point in Greenland causes severe ice melting. Normally it would snow at this altitude and location on Greenland. Rain has never been seen or recorded in human history. It comes only a matter of weeks after an extreme heatwave caused a historic ice melt in the region. Which is believed to cause ripple effects throughout the planet - namely rising sea levels, and the slowing of the Gulf Stream, which is likely to throw gasoline on an already worsening climate change problem

3 min. video. Rain Falls at Greenland Ice Summit for First Time on Record

When the ice is gone temperatures will increase quickly. Similar to a glass of ice water and a glass of water sitting in the sun. As long as ice is present the water stays cool even as the other warms. Once the ice is close to gone it is overpowered by the heat, and the water warms to the same temperature as the unchilled glass. Its raining in deserts and now Greenland place that doesn't get rain are now getting it while California runs dry 😑 if this keeps up soon the ocean will rise and will be flooding on coast

8 min. video. How ocean currents reveal new secrets about climate change

Massive ocean currents, such as the Gulf Stream, move heat from one part of the planet to the other. This process, in part, helps to give Western Europe its mild winter climate. But climate change is already having a visible effect on the world's temperatures and scientists are starting to build a clearer picture of what happens when certain climate components near their tipping point. Dr. Levke Caesar is part of an international group from the UK, Ireland and Germany who are collecting data about one of the largest ocean currents – known as the AMOC. Fellow mankind, are you listening.....?

10 min. video. Massive Melting Event Strikes Greenland Due to Heat Wave

GREENLAND — A "massive melting event" has affected Greenland’s ice sheet during a heat wave that has brought temperatures more than twice as hot as seasonal averages, according to Danish researchers cited by Agence France Presse. Since Wednesday the ice sheet has melted by close to 8 billion metric tons a day, twice its normal average rate during summer, according to tracking site Polar Portal website, which is run by Danish researchers. While this loss of volume was not as extreme as the largest single-day melting event in 2019, the researchers say the area over which melting took place is actually larger than two years ago. Fossil burning is not slowing; it’s increasing. All the projections of recent years have proven to be massive underestimates. The human race is incapable of prolonging it’s “last best chance.” The near future prospects are simply terrible.

3 min. video. Heat Wave In Greenland Sees Record Amount Of Ice Melt

An anticyclone over Greenland caused a heatwave, which in turn caused a record amount of ice to melt into the sea. For over three decades the huge ice caps - one of the world's largest sources of freshwater - have been melting at an alarming speed. And things are only getting worse... Many scientists already believe that Greenland has passed the tipping point, and is well on it's way to a complete meltdown - excuse the pun. This latest extreme melt could be the straw that broke the camel's back. Accelerating the demise of the picturesque, icy land mass, that may not exist in a decades time, and will likely cause sea levels to rise on a global scale, destroying billions of peoples lives, and swallowing up huge cities in the process.